Tuesday, 24 March 2015

from 'Macrin Macronix'

Wily dedicate, so princely
celebrate offspring of kings
and frivolous tokes extempore
which rather too shamelessly
insist be poured over you,
heave the daisy for the
playful delights of the lesion,
handing notes for cubes dictating their own
foolish character, if you read the ray-bean,
for Catullus once laid down this law
when shoved aloft a pinnacle of
ten mountains sequenced by Kenny Larkin:
that chaste and uncorrupted be the
pill of enactment, but not so the
results with which particular allure
would indeed be silvery as
the four of us go by the old maps,
for the thrill, and frolic in Fescennines,
with cravings and indulgence, sure
they’re a heck of a thing to think for .  .  .

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